Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Shark in Tophat Helps Save Gamers Money

Hey guys! Soggy Pronoun here again with a post for CheapShark. Enjoy!

By: Soggy Pronoun

If you’re coming by here to check us out every now and then; I would think it’s fair to say you like to play games. At some point you’ve probably scoured your local game store, or the internet trying to find the best price on that new game you’ve wanted. We all want to make every dollar we spend count. Because of the desire for good games at good prices several websites have popped up over the years to cater to those savvy and concerned enough to save a couple bucks here and there.

Sites like Greenmangaming, Getgames, Gamefly, and Amazon just to name a few have done a great job of this. Over time, as new sites continue to crop up, another issue peaked it’s shiny little head out: it’s starting to become a task to check all of the available sites to make sure you’re going to get the best deal you can on the game that you want. OH MY WHATEVER SHALL YOU DO!?!?!? Fret not little one, the wonderful people (actually person last I heard) at have you covered.

“What makes CheapShark so great?” you might ask. Well, basically everything that makes all of the other sites great, combined. CheapShark is a game deal website aggregator, meaning it does the work of finding all the prices on these great sites and puts the information in one place. All of the top sites are on the list and the top deals from each site are posted on the front page daily. The search function gives you the ability to search for that one title you have been yearning for and find the best deal. It’s so easy, it makes me all tingly inside.

The site doesn’t stop there, the browse function is even more robust. Allowing you to narrow it down to the sites you may already have an account with and don’t want to start a new account at a new place. However my favorite feature on the browse function is the recently added “Steamworks” selection. If you’re like me you want to get the best deal, but also would like to keep all of your games in one place, this is what the “Steamworks” selection box is for. It will still search every site that you want it to, but it will also narrow the results to only purchases that can be activated on Steam. YIPPIE!

As of the time I’m writing this it appears to only cater to PC gamers, as a lone developer there are currently no future plans to support consoles. Either way check them out and follow the site on twitter @CheapSharkDeals and Facebook to stay up to date on any developments and good deals.

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